logo espoir congo finalThe mission of Espoir Congo is:

  • To enhance the quality of life of the Congolese people, especially those who are poor, suffering, or disadvantaged, in the area of education and health care.
  • To invest in today’s children–the leaders of tomorrow–through both formal and character-building education and guidance for them, their parents and their communities.
  • To offer vulnerable Congolese women an opportunity for training and sustainable livelihood.

Our mission gives witness to our Christian beliefs and message of love and hope.

Espoir Congo strives to respond to all people in need regardless of race, religion, national origin or social position. We cooperate with people and organizations from all cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds in our efforts to bring relief and hope to those in need. We welcome the cooperation and assistance from like-minded individuals, businesses and organizations in helping the poor and disadvantaged.

The world’s most precious, yet vulnerable, resource is its children. What children become, and the future society they create, largely depends on what children learn in the present. Children flourish when nurtured in a peaceful, stable environment, with loving, caring parents and communities who teach them positive values. Thus we strive to provide the conditions, training and resources needed to help children grow mentally, physically and spiritually in those values that assure a fruitful and happy life.

Watch Espoir Congo Presentation Part 1: Congolese Orphans, Bringing Education to a rural area, Goods Distribution

Watch Espoir Congo Presentation Part 2: Village Development Pilot Project, Medical Care, Women Empowerment, Micro-Enterprise

Watch Espoir Congo Presentation Part 3: Youth Ministry


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