We hope you enjoy visiting our website, and finding out more about us and our work!
We are non-profit missionaries committed to helping those less privileged than ourselves, in ways that both will feed their bodies, and enrich their minds and hearts!
We are involved in a variety of projects, all endeavoring to do just that: help those in need. (See our Mission Statement and watch our presentation videos in 3 parts: Part I, Part II, Part III)

Kikimi children
Humanitarian work: With its history of civil unrest, it’s an understatement that the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have suffered enormously. Sixty percent of the population of the capital, Kinshasa, are children, and many daily wander the streets scrounging for a living, each day more vulnerable than the last. Espoir Congo (Espoir being “Hope” in French) cares for orphaned and underprivileged children in the village of Kikimi, just outside Kinshasa, in collaboration with a Congolese association, SABEC. Following is a brief description of the orphan related programs Espoir Congo conducts:
- Village Development Pilot Project: Started in 2008 as a simple feeding scheme for orphaned children, program aims to improve the living condition of this very poor population by bettering their environment, giving them access to clean water and non-profit medical care, offering their children non-profit education, and the villagers vocational training and opportunities to make a living. (Read more…)
- Goods Distribution:
By caring for orphaned and underprivileged children in a village outside the capital Kinshasa, Espoir Congo not only keeps these vulnerable children from ending up living on the streets, but aims to fight poverty and disease by providing what they need to have a good start in life. (Read more…)
- Bringing Education to a Rural Area:
In 2010, Espoir Congo built a primary school in Kikimi, and thereby offers free elementary education in French for orphaned and underprivileged children, as well as affordable non-profit primary education to village children. (Read more…)
- Medical care:
Medical center provides free medical assistance and medication to orphaned and underprivileged children and offers the same non-profit to the village population, the biggest demand being prenatal care and childbirth. (Read more…)
- Recreational and Enrichment Activities:
This program addresses the need for holistic education in local schools by providing opportunities for the children to participate in group sports, go on field trips, and engage in activities with art, drama, music and group discussion, in a positive learning environment. Espoir Congo utilizes a character building curriculum specifically created for a young African audience to address relevant social issues and instill positive character traits and Christian morals. (Read more…)
- Agricultural project:
Congolese partner SABEC is involved in developing the agricultural project with French association SEL, to provide food and income to support the orphan work, in addition to providing agricultural training and animal husbandry for the older boys. (Read more…)
- Incubating Micro-Enterprise: Micro-enterprise endeavor to enable needy young people and women to start their own business venture and thereby pay for their studies and/or support their families. (Read more…)

Single mothers and orphaned girls learning tailoring
- Women’s Empowerment: Offering struggling women and orphaned/underprivileged teenage girls opportunities for education, employment and micro-enterprise. (Read more…)
- Youth Ministry:
A parallel project we are conducting is an ongoing Bible-based training program for young Congolese, with the goal of eventually nationalizing our mission. We are aiming to train labor leaders, following the principle of 2 Timothy 2:2 (“Teach others to teach others”). (Read more…)
Espoir Congo strives to reach as many of the global sustainable development goals as possible in our small pilote development project, such as: Fighting poverty and hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality education, Gender equality, Clean water and sanitation, Affordable and clean energy, Decent work and economic growth, Care of the underprivileged, Reduced inequality, Climate action, Planting trees, Human rights. (Read more…)
If you’d like to get to know a bit more about us and what we do, please write us a note in the Contact Us section.
This website is dedicated to our daughter, Natalie Anne Volpe, who first designed it in 2009.
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