A Special Award and Highlights from 2017 — December 2017
World Family Organization rewards Espoir Congo on their 70th anniversary celebration
To close 2017 with an unexpected yet thrilling event, Espoir Congo was invited by the World Family Organization (a UN agency) for their 70th anniversary celebration which was held at the United Nations in Geneva, where we received this magnificent award.

Clotilde receiving award from WFO’s president, next to The Family Africa president and South Africa representative
It was an immense honor to participate in this memorable event. The WFO’s motto is: “Do unto other as you would have them do unto you”. WFO has set 17 global goals for sustainable development, such as no poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities, etc. We made a presentation that showed how Espoir Congo is implementing 7 of these goals. WFO’s motto for this year is: “Not one family left behind”. We are proud to be sharing the same goals as this worldwide organization and are committed to continue doing our very best to implement them in our humble project, to better the lives of families in our part of the world.

Clotilde presenting Espoir Congo’s implementation of 7 of the global goals for sustainable development
Highlights of the year 2017
1 Food Distribution
- Distribution of milk, bread and snacks to all the students
- A hot meal for the orphaned children
- We study better on a full tummy!
2 Education
- Schooling of 272 students, 173 in Primary school and 100 in Middle School, including 135 boys and 138 girls!
- 98% success at the final State examination for Primary School Students
- Presentation of the STEPS Program to teachers and educators
3 Vocational Training
- Free vocational training in tailoring to underprivileged girls and women.
4 Scholarships
- Scholarships for Jacques (agricultural engineering) and Ana (medical school) at the University of Kinshasa.
5 Medical Center and Maternity
6 Development, Construction, Set-up
- Construction of a sanitary block (5 toilets) including a septic system and water tanks for the secondary school.
- Installation of toilets and showers in the medical center, including septic system and water tanks.
- Tiling of the medical center’s second story and of the stairs, painting of walls, door and windows.
- Furnishing and basic set-up of the surgery room and patient ward.
- Addition of two more solar panels
- Professional geological survey for a well
- Maintenance of the primary school classrooms (painting)
7 Incubating Micro-Enterprises
- Fabricius: Capital for agricultural project to increase his production to better finance his studies in university.
- Women in our Tailoring Training Program: Capital to manufacture school uniforms to earn a living.
8 Youth Ministry
- Weekly Bible study groups in three different areas of Kinshasa.
- Graduation ceremony for students who completed the Bible course
- Monthly fellowships and seminars for the youth.
- Three-day retreat for the laureates of the Bible Course.
Thank You
A big thank you to Mafricom (Mr. Mahesh), SOKIN (Mr. Mohammed et Mr. Kaddoura), MARSAVCO, CONGO FOODS (Mr. Abdul), Pain d’Or (Mr. Mohammed), Working Ladies (Patricia Nzolantima), RAWJI Foundation, SONAS, Shamshad, Neema, Amina, Marie-Thérèse, Mylène, Yvan, Jessica, Renate, Steven Leuthold Family Foundation, FCF, and all those who preferred to remain anonymous. This Year End Review is yours, and we are deeply honored to be working side by side to better the living conditions of this neglected part of the Congolese society, to give them hope in a better future. May God richly bless you with a very happy New Year!
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