Highlights for the year 2023
Another year is coming to an end, and we would like to thank you for your continued faithful support which made it possible to keep giving the children a good education and supplement their diet with wholesome food. We are so thankful for you and we pray these highlights will warm your hearts as you get a glimpse of what your support has helped to accomplish.
The country continues to face enormous challenges: the war in the East and the plundering of mining resources by armed groups, crime and corruption, lack of respect for human rights, the economic crisis, malaria, typhoid fever and other life-threatening diseases, the collapse of houses in poor neighborhoods during floods, and ongoing crimes perpetrated by the kulunas and les Mobondo (violent gangs) in Kinshasa… Hats off to our local partners who, in the face of such difficulties, continue to sacrifice their time, energy and resources to aid the most destitute and thus change their part of the world.
Goals #1 & #2: Zero Hunger and No Poverty
- Distribution of staple foods (milk, rice, meat, canned and fresh fish, spaghettis, maize flour, sugar, tomato puree, salt), household, sanitary products, and occasional toys and clothing to underprivileged children and mothers.
- Distribution of food packages, snacks and hot meals to the children
- Farming (growing fruit trees and vegetables)
- Tailoring training to enable women to learn a trade and earn a living.
cassava plant
cassava root
banana tree
Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
- Medical care of 252 of our students in Kikimi and 391 villagers.
Goals #4 & 5: Quality Education & Gender Equality
- Schooling of 443 students, 222 in Primary school and 206 in Secondary School, and 15 in Kindergarden, including 218 boys and 225 girls.
- 97% of our students passed to the next grade.
- Distribution of notebooks, pens, schoolbooks and library books.
- Distribution of sanitary products to teenage girls, which enabled them not to miss a day of school and to excel in their exams!
- Monthly inspections by the Ministry of Education who has chosen our school as an examination center year after year.
- Scholarship for Ana who is starting her 3rd year of doctorate in medical school.
In High School, these girls have chosen tailoring as their major.
These boys have chosen electricity as their major.
Ana, medical student
Goal #6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- Our solar bore well continues to give drinking water to our whole project, and has helped to eradicate water-borne diseases.
- Teaching the children cleanliness and good health habits is an important part of their education.
The children can get pure drinking water from the solar bore well.
Goal #7: Clean Energy
- Installation of a satellite dish to give internet access to the school.
Children Ministry
- Flourishing children’s ministry using the Character-Building STEPS Program in various parts of Kinshasa.
- Special Christmas programs for underprivileged children in several parts of Kinshasa.
Youth Ministry
- Motivational seminars for youth leaders.
- Hospital visitation with youth and distribution of goods to patients.
- Orphanage visitation with youth and distribution of goods to orphans.
Cedric and team
Aristote and team: visit to orphanage
Aristote and team: Hospital visitation
Aristote and team: Preparing food packages for hospital visitation
We would like to thank CONGO FOODS (Mr. Abdul), MARSAVCO, Ali and Sameera, Farah Rawji, RAF GLOBAL (Vipul and Sunita), Rizwan Adatya Foundation, St Mary the Virgin Church, Jewels International, Zahida Zarina Foundation, Mr. Mahesh, Mr. Alibhai, Mr. Vikky, Mr. Nikky, Jean-Emile Claverie, Mr and Mrs Rathi Mukund, Deepak and Neema Shukla, Fomushukla and GGMart, Mr. Naveen, the Paschke Family, WeLiftUp, Mrs Mariana, Mrs. Vaishali, Mrs. Bhavika, Mrs. Toral, Mrs. Nargis, Mrs. Vaneeta, Marie-Thérèse, Yvan, Renate, FMF and those who preferred to remain anonymous. Your generosity and goodwill are making it possible for this project to keep going in spite of the tremendous challenges we are all facing. It is thanks to you that these children can get a good education, stay in good health with good nutrition, and hope for a better future. We feel privileged to be working together with you to make this world a better place and to brighten the lives of those who are less fortunate. May God richly bless you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Highlights for the year 2023 — No Comments
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