October 2023
1 Education
A big thank you to all those who have decided to sponsor some of our students for this school year. They are so grateful to be able to study. It is thanks to you that they will have a chance to a better future.
Let us join our 6th graders for a lesson in botanic. (Make sure to click on the cc button to read the captions in English.)
In high school, the students who chose the tailoring option are learning both theory and practice.
2 Goods Distribution
A big thank you to the Shukla Family Foundation and GGMart for a very generous donation of school supplies and snacks which was distributed to all our students, including chalk, xerox paper and even sacks of rice.

Florence organizing the school supplies into bags to distribute to the students.
3 Health

Florence treating malaria patient.
4 Youth Ministry

Jacques’ Sunday School class.
October 2023 — No Comments
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