- Kikimi child
- Many hands to color
- Ndomba
- Women are offered tailoring classes
- Breeding pigs
- Gino Volpe counseling Bibiche in her new micro-enterprise
- Florence thrilled with solar maternity kit
- Our Primary School in Kikimi
- Food Packages ready to be distributed to orphans
- Bible students at UPN university
- Mylène with students during film showing in university
- Food Distribution
- Pasta Distribution
- Coloring activities before building of school
- Gino shows Theo the solar maternity kit
- Outdoor games
- Thanks to Espoir Congo, Huguette is receiving secretarial training
- Natalie giving vitamins to orphaned girl
- Tailoring classes
- Mylène with the winner of the race organized by Kin’Elles
- First crop of papayas
- Clotilde gives solar suitcase to Florence
- Mylène preparing food packages for Kikimi orphans
- Food Distribution
- Easter play: Jesus and Thomas
- Florence distributing bread
- Food Distribution
- Happy to learn
- Natalie distributing food packages to orphans back in 2009
- Food Distribution
- Oral hygiene lessons
- Orphaned boy proud of his crop
- Natalie helping orphaned boy get dressed up to perform Christmas skit back in 2009
- Kikimi kids
- School Director Theo during roll call
- Donated scale
- French Curriculum
- Tailoring under the trees
- Completed School Building
- Clotilde gives Huguette and Jessica secretarial classes
- UPN Bible students
- Mylène ready to drive sick orphaned kids with their tutors to the hospital
- Roll call
- Olivier manages a cybercafe
- Annie making school uniforms
- Villagers watching Nativity Play performed by children
- Thierry at the keyboard leading praise and worship
- Natalie helping orphaned boy dress up for Christmas play in 2009
- Woman teacher
- Nativity Cast
- Early beginning under palm leaves
- watercistern
- Distribution of medical soap
- Kikimi child
- Building of Primary School
- Sink in new sanitary block
- Toys Distribution
- New School benches
- De gentils villageois vinrent à la rescousse
- Florence administering an IV Drip to malaria patient
- Inauguration of the school
- First grade female teacher
- Congolese children
- Set up of gutters to collect rain water
- English Conversation Club
- Bible students graduation ceremony
- Oral hygiene classes
- Huguette sells fashion items
- Distribution of dried fish
- Building of training center for women
- Adding a third classroom in 2012
- New School uniforms for orphaned children
- watertap
- Espoir Congo sponsors 15 orphaned and vulnerable girls to receiving tailoring training
- Thierry distributing donated supplies and tracts to handicapped patient at General Hospital
- Building a 3rd classroom
- Gino Volpe coaching new entrepreneurs
- Fish breeding
- Post natal care
- Training Seminar for Bible Course graduates
- Natalie and Mylène having an artistic activity with Kikimi orphans
- Marie sells water wholesale from her house to help support her orphaned grand-children.
- Jacques playing tam-tam
- Madlen teaching at UPN
- Palm leaves stable
- Gino Volpe gives a hand when the building of the school first started
- New School benches
- Little girl coloring
- Mylène explains to the orphans what are their rights
- Easter program at Ngaliema Medical Center
- Art Class
- Kikimi boy
- Mylène doing art activity with hospitalized children
- Orphaned boy proud of his garden
- Florence and her pharmacy
- Theo recharging cellphones
- Building roof of primary school
- Clotilde Volpe giving Health Class to our Kikimi kids
- Art Class
- Mommy with new baby born in Kikimi
- Grand-mother caring for orphaned child
- Natalie serving the orphans a hot meal at Christmas back in 2009
- Boxes of donated medicine for First Aid Center and Dispensary
- Mylène among university students during film about Matthew 24
- Preparing Christmas meal in Kikimi
- Water tap
- Thierry at graduation ceremony in 2008
- Graduation Ceremony for Bible Students
- Proud artist
- Building of soap pit for sanitary block
- Cedric reading Activated magazine
- Thierry distributing hygiene products as well as Gospel tracts and magazines to hospital staff
- Tiled office
- Florence selling food items
- Clotilde and pupil
- Mylène with baby Anissa on her birthday (Anissa was adopted by our missionary friends)
- Cedric praying for patient in Central Hospital
- New uniforms for orphaned children
- Happy birthday dear Etienne
- English Club
- Clotilde passing out food packages
- Sharing a meal together
- Clotilde praying for Djems healing
- Bibiche, young mother in difficulty, starts a micro-enterprise
- Distribution of School Kits
- Class in session
- Florence serves a hot meal to the kids
- Jacques teaches agriculture to young orphaned boys
- Guitar classes in UNIKIN (university of Kinshasa)
- Etienne
- Nurse Cindy examining the orphaned kids
- Christmas picnic
- Mylène with female runners ready for the race organized for the profit of our project
- Boy artists
- Children smiling, their new toys in hand!
- Badera so happy to be able to learn a trade
- Distribution of food packages
- Young artist
- Maurice preparing for his Bible examination
- New caps!
- Food Distribution
- Volleyball game
- Espoir Congo’s training course for new entrepreneurs
- Filing donated books for library
- Art class
- Florence sells food items
- Kikimi children
- Outdoor games
- Marianne teaching at UPN
- Set up of cistern to collect rain water
- Kikimi kids
- Theo reading English motivational magazine
- Building of third classroom
- Gino Volpe coaching Etienne in his micro-enterprise
- Gino Volpe giving a bookkeeping class
- New school kits donated by cellphone company
- Recreational activities
- Roll Call
- Distributing donated notebooks
- Orphaned kids
- Mylène presenting our project at the women’s race organized by Kin’Elle to raise sponsorship for the building of the Kikimi school
- Consultation
- Natalie giving vitamins to orphaned girl back in 2009
- Orphaned boys learning agriculture
- Theo recharges cellphones
- Orphaned kids getting ready to perform Christmas skit
- A good breakfast helps the pupils study better
- Mylène bringing food to Kikimi orphans
- Kids at water tap, first in the village
- Theo set up office outside during tiling of his office
- Clotilde and Gino at the school inauguration
- Training Seminar for Bible Course graduates
- Views of Kinshasa
- Olivier teaching Bible Class
- Mother and child
- Happy orphans with Marianne and Madlen
- Newly built toilets
- Lavie
- make shift maternity
- Donation of shoes
- Justine sells wholesale on the market to support her family
- Praying with the children
- Mylène and Théo in the pineapple field in Kikimi
- Marianne, Natalie and Madlen teaching Bible classes at UPN
- New cap
- Kyler
- Thierry Levo and Clotilde Volpe leading opening class for Training Seminar
- Inauguration of the 3rd classroom, named after our deceased daughter Natalie
- Clotilde teaching Bible verses to the kids
- English Club
- A hot meal for Christmas
- Mylène encouraging a mother whose child is hospitalized
- Espoir Congo set up a volleyball court in the school yard in Kikimi as a Christmas present in 2012
- Teachers’ manuals
- Food Distribution
- Marianne with young boy at orphanage
- Orphaned boy
- Distribution of cookies
- Madlen with the Kisenso orphans
- Sports activities
- Postnatal Care
- Kikimi kids
- Orphans gardening project
- French Curriculum
- Distribution of note books at the onset of the new school year
- Grand mother and orphaned child
- New baby born in Kikimi in makeshift maternity
- The orphaned boys enjoy feeding the pigs
- Medicine cabinet donated by Espoir Congo
- Brand new sink in our tiled sanitary block
- Clotilde teaching Bible verses to the kids
- Orphaned boy with his garden
- Jacques next to newly planted papaya tree
- Care taker feeding young orphan
- Mylène with sick orphan that she brought to Kimbondo
- Natalie helping the kids to color
- Espoir Congo’s training course
- Food Distribution
- Clotilde Volpe and Theo teaching Bible based character building program
- Back to school
- Bread distribution
- Set up of water cisterns to collect rain water
- Mylène with abandonned baby
- Excursion to the Kinshasa zoo
- Djems
- Food Distribution
- Our class of second graders
- Outdoor games and gymnastics
- Water cisterns
- Mike giving vitamins to orphaned child back in 2009
- Lab tests
- Natalie helping orphaned kids dress up for Christmas skit back in 2009
- Milk Distribution
- Thanks to their micro-enterprise Theo and Florence are able to support their family and educate their children
- Espoir Congo purchased a small generator to help Theo start a micro-enterprise to recharging cell phones
- Jessica
- Mylène with Jacques at the pool
- Shepherds keeping watch over their flock
- Orphaned kids
- Kids at work coloring
- Gardening project for orphaned boys
- Roll Call
- Building of Training Center for Women
- Consultation table
- Fish breeding
- Female nurse employed in Kikimi
- Midwife Florence after delivering two babies
- Clothing Distribution
- Mylène with Marie Nyota ready to run the Kin’Elles race
- Jessica and Mylène pray for the sick at General Hospital Mama Yemo
- Agriculture for the villagers
- Food Distribution
- Teaching French
- Donated rice ready to be distributed
- Offering donated badminton kits
- Orphaned boy
- Florence also runs the pharmacy as a micro-enterprise
- Newly built sanitary block
- Theo by the fish ponds
- Mike giving orphans vitamins back in 2009
- Excursion to Kinshasa zoo
- Amissi teaching Benedicte tailoring
- Theo and his micro enterprise
- A new school year begins
- Poster Distribution
- Distribution of vuvuzelas
- Orphaned boy tending to his garden
- Kids in school
- Natalie helping orphaned boy to color back in 2008 before Espoir Congo built the school
- Florence in pharmacy
- First crop of beans
- Orphaned girl
- Distribution of yoghurt drinks
- Cindy in Kisenso with orphaned kids
- Tailoring class
- Florence runs the dispensary and the pharmacy
- Mylene conducting Children’s Rights activity in Kikimi
- Theo, Florence and their children
- Dispensary and first aid
- Our Primary School in Kikimi
- Gospel Seminar in university
- Orphaned girl learning tailoring in the outdoors
- Fatu
- Kikimi kid
- Mylène next to Père Hugo in Kimbondo
- Food Distribution
- Florence and her micro-enterprise
- Graduation ceremony June 2013
- Etienne received a certificate from a cellphone company for his excellent marketing
- Mylène and Marie with Patrician Nzolantima, Kin’Elles Race Founder and organizer
- Distributing new school uniforms to orphans
- Clotilde Volpe counseling Bible student
- Marianne with a young orphan
- Food Distribution
- Donated microscope for lab tests
- Mylène taking sick orphans to hospital
- Huguette’s micro-enterprise helped her finance her university studies.
- Mashingo and brother Djems
- Orphaned kids all dressed up to perform Christmas skit
- Josue next to his tomato plants
- Orphaned girl receiving food package
- Marianne coloring with kid
- Recess
- Orphaned girl tending to her garden
- Bread Distribution
- New baby born in Kikimi
- Kikimi youth
- Tiled mini lab
- Marianne and Kisenso orphans
- Marianne and child
- Florence giving vitamins to orphaned girl
- Children happy with their new balls
- Theo by fish ponds
- UPN Bible students
- Lab test table donated by Espoir Congo
- African watering can
- Thierry teaching Bible classes to his group of students
- English Club
- Coloring Christmas Activity pages
- papaya seedlings
- Happy kids
- Mashingo
- Orphaned kids
- Dispensary
- Antenatal Care
- Natalie teaching at UPN university
- New baby born in Kikimi
- Donated books by the French School in Kinshasa
- Audience enjoying the play
- Food Distribution
- single mothers and orphaned girls learning tailoring
- Joseph the carpenter
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