Thanks to the funding from Exp-Communic’Art, the ground floor of a training center for women was built this year.
Espoir Congo also purchased two more water cisterns, tiled and repainted the whole school and medical center, and built a soak pit for the sanitary block.

sand for construction


Walls going up

Finishing of training center

new water cisterns

Getting water from down the hill to mix cement

Newly built soak pit

Newly built soak pit

Repainted ceiling

Repainted office

Repainting of one of the classrooms

Tiled office

Tiled classroom

Tiled terrace

Tiling in progress

Tiling in progress

Tiled classroom floor

Tiled dispensary

Tiled mini lab

Back to school in tiled and repainted classrooms
Year End Review 2013: Village Development — No Comments
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