April News
1 Education
Last exams before the Easter holiday.
This little girl on the left is protecting her work to stop this boy from cheating.
The kindergarten teacher is preparing activity sheets for the children and organizing the kids’ artwork.
The younger kids are really enjoying the playground donated by Sameera.
2 Distribution of Books, Food and Sanitary Items
A big THANK YOU to the French School of Kinshasa who donated 8 boxes of books (math, French, history, geography and others) as well as industrial T-squares and protractors for the technical classes. Also, some clothes for the children.

Distribution of Marsavco body lotion to the children

Distribution of lotion and baby powder in the maternity
A big THANK YOU also to Marsavco for their quarterly donation of food and sanitary items which help us in feeding the children and in keeping a high standard of cleanliness in our medical center.
3 Women Empowerment
Tailoring classes and micro credit for women in the afternoons (this room is used for the kindergarten in the morning).
4 Maintenance
A regular maintenance of the ambulance is of utmost importance in this remote rural area.
5 Fabrice’s New Agricultural Project
As mentioned a while back, Fabrice started his own local association (STEPS Program Congo) to combine his children educational ministry with his fruitful agricultural project. Someone gave him a new plot of land, which he has started to prepare for planting. Please pray he will be able to generate sufficient funding to purchase the needed seedlings. The proceeds of this agricultural project will help towards the education of the underprivileged children he is training.
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