August 2022
1 Education

The results of the TENAFEP (Final Primary Education Exam) came back with honors. All our kids passed and will therefore be able to start middle school in September. Our school laureate is a very bright girl, Bukasa, now in 9th grade, who had also obtained the best results when she had graduated from 6th grade 3 years ago.
Even the kindergarten students received a certificate for completion of the school year.
Please pray we can collect sufficient sponsorship for all our students for the next school year, so no one has to miss out for lack of finances. Thank you so much!
During the school holidays, Theo and Florence organized various activities for the children and continued to serve meals.
2 Distribution of Food and other Products
We would like to thank Mr. Mahesh for his donation of milk, sardines, fish, rice and sugar; Mr. Abdul for the chicken; Marsavco for their donation of oil, margarine and sanitary products; and Mrs. Neema for sanitary protections which enable all the girls to not miss one day of school. Thanks to these donations of food, all the kids are healthy and therefore study better.
3 Maintenance
4 Youth Ministry
This month, Jacques decided to teach about cleanliness and how it is synonymous with godliness. After the class, he organized the practical application by getting the kids to help him clean the church.

Now they can sit on the clean floor !
He also used a donation he had received to sponsor the exam fees for one of the orphaned girls.

Fabrice’s group, all happy to show their coloring work after the lesson.
5 Happy News
Congratulations to Cedric and Delly just celebrated their first step of their wedding, called “Mariage coutumier” (customary or tribal wedding), when the husband gives the dowry to his wife’s family. The next step will be the civil wedding, and the third and last one the religious wedding. We wish them to have a very happy and fruitful marriage!
August 2022 — No Comments
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