Happy Easter!!!–April 2015
“When you pray in full faith, nothing is impossible if you believe. Prayers of faith can overcome limits, boundaries, and impossibilities.”
1 Kikimi School
Here are some pics of the kids at school. They are so attentive and eager to learn.
After school, the kids often play volleyball or badminton and consult the library.
We noticed that the girls are showing the greatest interest in the library books, for which we are very thankful, as education for girls remains a weakness in rural areas. It’s wonderful to be able to satisfy their hunger for learning.
3 Village Development
3.1 Tailoring Training:
Since what was to be the training center turned into a medical center and maternity, our tailoring class took refuge in the outdoor kitchen!
But thanks to the Lord’s unfailing supply, we started building a room for the tailoring training. The foundation has already been laid and the walls will soon be going up.
3.2 Construction of showers and Laundry area:
The building of the showers is nearing completion. The plumber set up all the water connections and the tiles are being laid.
A laundry area for the maternity is also being built adjacent to the shower stalls.
4 Youth Ministry
4.1 Bible shipment:
Back in July, friends in the U.S. sponsored the shipment of 700 Bibles and 900 Gospels of John for our work in Congo. We had placed the order with Livr’Afrique in France, who regularly sends containers to the Scripture Union in Kinshasa, who had agreed to combine our order with theirs. This would mean no hassle for us with customs, which can be quite tricky in this part of the world. However, the container reached Kinshasa only yesterday, 9 months later! What could possibly take so long, you may ask. Well, for those interested, there is indeed an explanation. Since a former Congolese leader sold to Angola the larger strip of land accessing the ocean, Congo only has a tiny port outside Matadi, so tiny that large ships have to first go to Pointe Noire in the south of Congo Brazza, unload their cargo, and reload it into smaller ships, who then make their way into the small Matadi port, waiting in line for months on end to be able to unload their goods. Only then, after having gone through customs, can the goods be loaded into trucks that drive to Kinshasa.
We are so excited about having all these Bibles to distribute for free to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, starting with our students who often don’t even own a Bible.
4.2 Easter Celebration:
The first Sunday of April happened to be Easter Sunday. We had an inspiring celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection with our Congolese friends. We showed excerpts of the Jesus movie, our Congolese brothers had prepared a skit, led praise and worship, Cedric preached a sermon on I Cor. 15:12-19 and we partook of the Lord’s Supper. It was wonderful for us to just lean back and let them lead! (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO4PTcPru5Q)
4.3 Visiting Bible Students in Massina:
Gerse and Patrick invited us to teach a class to their group of Bible students in Massina, a working class neighborhood not far from the airport. Getting there was not easy as the streets were so narrow we were not sure our car would be able to squeeze through, but we’re so glad we made it, as it was so inspiring to meet with these young people, so on fire for the Lord. (See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F63U9xQD8w and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XgOkNBsDBM)
They had prepared a typical Congolese meal for us at the end (foufou*, pondu*, chicken, salted fish and caterpillars).
*Note: Foufou—staple made from cassava root; Pondu—green vegetable puree made from cassava leaves.
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