Espoir Congo’s medical center provides free medical diagnosis, treatment and medication to orphan and underprivileged children and offers highly subsidized medical care to the village population, the biggest demand being prenatal care and childbirth.
When the project first started, we simply supplied the orphaned children with free medication and vitamins. (Watch Espoir Congo Presentation Video–Part 2)
In 2011, Espoir Congo built a dispensary and set it up with furniture, consultation table, scale and microscope, which has helped to greatly improve health conditions in the whole village, seeing the only alternative for any sort of medical assistance is a medical outpost 5 km away.
A registered nurse came 3 times a week to check the children’s health, give them vitamins, nutritional supplements and first aid care. Sick children received instant treatment for malaria. Needed medication was donated to treat malaria, typhoid fever, coughs, amoebas and skin infections. Basic hygiene is being taught to the children.
Much needed equipment for the dispensary, such as a weight scale, blood pressure apparatus, a stethoscope, surgical gloves, and other basic needs were donated. A medicine cabinet, a consultation table and other needed furniture were built by Espoir Congo.
In 2012, $3,000 worth of added medical equipment (including a microscope) and medicine were donated, which won us official registration, along with a recommendation letter from the Health Department.
Two full-time nurses are now attending to patients’ needs, and a doctor from the nearest hospital is on call in case of medical emergency. On the spot lab tests for malaria, typhoid and other tropical diseases are now being given, thanks to the donated microscope, which makes it possible for patients to receive immediate treatment for these life-threatening diseases. All medical treatment and lab tests are free for the orphans, and non-profit for the village people who suffer from extreme poverty.
In response to the pressing local need, a makeshift maternity was set up by our Congolese partners, so we needed to make plans right away to build a proper polyclinic.
Florence has been providing not only medical assistance to the local community, but also ante-natal and post-natal care to mommies and babies.
Raising sufficient funds to build a proper maternity took some time, but it did happen in 2013.

Building of the maternity/medical center in 2013
That same year, the organization “We Care Solar” donated a beautiful solar maternity kit, which is a major step forward in our efforts to eliminate death in childbirth.
Although each delivery so far has gone well, we realize it is nothing short of a miracle. Having an ambulance would enable us to bring any emergency to the closest hospital. In 2016 we added a story to the medical center to separate the maternity from the other patients and for surgery and we purchased an ambulance in 2017.
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