School Holidays–July 2023
1 Education
Since the beginning of July, the children are on holiday. The students have done very well this year and the majority will be moving up to the next class. In Primary School, only 9 students out of 209 will need to repeat their grade. All the students who took the final primary education exam have succeeded. They will be able to start Secondary School in September.
In Secondary School, out of 200, 13 have taken their final high school exams (we are still waiting for the results), and 180 will move up to the next grade. They are looking forward to the next school year starting in September and we are saving up to help with the school fees as the majority of the families in Kikimi live below poverty level. These children are bright and so eager to pursue their studies, we are praying for sufficient sponsors so they can reach their dreams.

This photo was taken on the day the students took tests to help them select which option to study in secondary school.
2 Food Distribution
Thanks to your faithful giving of food and sanitary products, we are able to supplement the children’s diet and keep a high standard of hygiene. We are so thankful for you!
3 Health
4 Agriculture
Theo has just harvested some citronella and had the great idea of advertising it via social medias. Several people responded positively, including a supermarket, interested in purchasing it. Chili peppers and cassava are also being sold. The proceeds from these sales will help towards the budget for the running of the school.

Citronella keeps mosquitoes away and its tea protects from malaria.


Chili peppers
3 Youth Ministry
From Cedric: This month, I have been asked to teach at the church “Sous La Tente”. This church has been established by Liliane Vernaud, daughter of Jacques Vernaud who is one of the precursors of the Pentecostal movement in the DRC. He implanted the community of the Assemblies of God in our country and founded the church “La Borne”, one of the main Pentecostal churches here. The topic of the message I taught was obedience to the Word of God. To show the importance of obedience, I used the gospel of Luke chapter 5 verses 1-6, when Peter experienced a miraculous catch because he obeyed what Jesus told him to do. He said, “At your word, I will let down the net”. And because of his obedience, he experienced a miraculous catch of fish that day. In the same way, if we obey the Word of the Lord we can experience miracles in our lives.
Pastor Liliane Vernaud appreciated me very much for the quality of my message, and I am personally very grateful for the training I received with Espoir Congo.
Note from Espoir Congo: When we first met Cedric in 2008, he was a very shy young man, unable to speak in public or even share simple things among friends. But after he got filled with the Holy Spirit, he experienced a miraculous transformation, no longer afraid to speak in public. He has been an avid student of the Word, and he loves teaching it.
Aristote organized the visitation of an orphanage with his team of young people, whom he is training in missionary activities. This included preparing a meal for the children and doing meaningful activities with them. Each young person took an orphaned child under his wings and they all had a wonderful time. He also conducted a seminar.
Fabrice continues his weekly classes with the children, for whom he is developing this agricultural project.


Sweet potatoes
Jacques’ Ministry:
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