Happy Celebration — August 2023
1 Education
We are very happy to announce that all the 6th grade students who took their Primary School exams succeeded and will be able to start Middle School in September. And all the 12th grade students who took their High School Final exams also succeeded! They had 4 days of exams for the academic subjects and 7 days for the vocational subjects. We are so proud of them and wanted to thank you for your support which made it possible for them to complete their schooling.
The following video clip was taken at the examination center on the first day of exams.
There was a great day of rejoicing, as it seems our school was the only one in the area where all the students passed. In Congo, when students graduate successfully, they put talcum powder on their heads! This is an ancestral custom to express joy, with white powder or flour, singing and dancing.

Celebration Day
Preparing for the next school year: We are praying for sufficient sponsors so that all the children will be able to continue their studies this upcoming school year. They are so bright and eager to learn and love going to school, but their parents are so poor that they have a hard time making ends meet and covering the minimum needed school fees, even though all the pens and notebooks are supplied by faithful donors. Food donations also enable us to supplement the students’ diets, which is essential for their brains to develop properly and therefore do well in their studies.
A big THANK YOU to dear Abdul who just donated 4 cartons of notebooks, as well as pencils, erasers, sharpeners and other school supplies, on top of the cartons of meat he donates every month.
The Rizwan Adatya Foundation will also donate sufficient notebooks and pens for the whole school year as they have done since we opened the school in 2010.
2 School Holidays
During the school holidays, Theo and Florence organized some activities for a small group of children, such as coloring, educational games, and learning about keeping their school nice and clean. Thanks to Mr. Mahesh, they also enjoyed some nice meals and snacks.

This little girl is eating an apple for the first time (this fruit doesn’t grow in this part of the country).
3 Youth Ministry
Aristote is organizing a seminar for young people for the beginning of September.
Fabrice continues giving his group of children Sunday School classes, even during the holidays. In Congo there are no such things as summer camps for children, so the parents are very thankful to be able to send their kids to some free educational and fun activities which the children enjoy tremendously and which build their character in a positive manner.
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