A library and drinking water for Christmas–January 2015
Here’s a little quote that inspired us for this New Year:
“I’d like to add some beauty to life,” said Anne dreamily. “I don’t exactly want to make people know more … though I know that is the noblest ambition … but I’d love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me … to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn’t been born.”
— Anne Shirley in Anne’s House of Dreams, by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942)
Now here for some news:
1 A Library for Christmas
Although not fully set up yet, the basics got done on time for Christmas, as we had hoped, in spite of so many setbacks including floods that made road access impossible for several weeks. We still need to bring in more books, get desks and chairs for the kids, but the room is painted, tiled, lit, and the shelves are set up along with a desk for the librarian.
We’re missing some pictures here, but the whole village came to our school to celebrate Christmas, which doubled up with end of term results announcements. The local community is getting won over and is very proud of their beautiful school.
It’s so wonderful to now have electricity in Kikimi! The school requires a good amount of photocopying every month for 250 students, and it used to be a major trip each time to have to go to town to get it done. But now that we have electricity, we purchased a multi-purpose photocopier which also does scanning and printing, and has already proven to be a big time saver.
Thanks again to having electricity, we were able to purchase a water pump which will be hooked up to one of the cisterns and to a triple water filter, and will supply drinking water for the children and the medical center.
3 Medical Care
Furnishing a medical center in rural Congo is not just a matter of getting sponsorship, ordering equipment on line and having it delivered. There are two avenues of supply for medical equipment: importation from China, importation from the West, and local refurbishing of second hand equipment. Imports are irregular, as often containers remain stuck for months in the port of Matadi. Locally refurbished equipment can sometimes be hazardous, as we found out when we one of the medical beds we had bought did not fit properly and had to be returned. Then, once equipment is found and purchased, delivering it all the way to Kikimi can be an adventure in itself, depending on the rains, the conditions of the roads, and the state of the truck we hire. Last time, the hired truck was unable to proceed past a certain point, and the equipment had to be loaded onto a “pousse-pousse” (push cart) which had to be pulled by hand over 11 km of mud and sand. Nevertheless, in spite of it all, progress is made little by little. This past month, we were able to purchase an adult consultation bed (as up till now, all the patients were using the children’s consultation bed we had built 3 years ago) as well as a trolley table. Each step of progress is nothing short of a miracle: that is when we can feel the power of your prayers.
4 Youth ministry: Seminars and Prison Visitation
We held a seminar for our Bible students using “The Wonders of God’s Creation” video (which we highly recommend—breathtaking photography and scientific proof of God’s existence). We were very inspired to meet some of Gerse and Patrick’s new students who are now following the 12 Foundation Stones course. Some of them are still high school students, all very potential and motivated to help their country. Thanks to some of your donations, we were able to sponsor a table for the students to use during their classes held at Gerse’s house, as well as the printing of student books. A special celebration was also held for Christmas and New Year.
Olivier continues visiting prisons to ensure the respect of human rights, delivering supplies to the inmates and always takes advantage of the situation to pray for them, with them, show compassion and distribute Activated Magazines, tracts and posters.
We’ll close with a little poem we’d like to claim for this New Year. We are so thankful for your continued support, prayers and encouragement, which make it all possible. May you have a wonderful 2015! We keep you in our prayers, so don’t hesitate to send us your requests.
Love in Christ,
Gino and Clotilde
I’ve shut the door on yesterday
Its sorrows and mistakes;
I’ve locked within its gloomy walls
Past failures and heartaches.
And now I throw the key away
To seek another room,
And furnish it with hope and smiles
And every springtime bloom…
I’ve shut the door on yesterday
And thrown the key away
Tomorrow holds no fears for me,
Since I have found today.
—Vivien Yeiser Laramore
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