Baby Boom–October 2015
1 Maternity and Health Care Our newly set up maternity seems to be attracting all of mommies in the area, as we have more and more babies born. What seems to us very basic looks like luxury to the local … Continue reading →
1 Maternity and Health Care Our newly set up maternity seems to be attracting all of mommies in the area, as we have more and more babies born. What seems to us very basic looks like luxury to the local … Continue reading →
1 Back to School 225 kids enrolled in our school this September with a larger number of girls, for which we are very thankful, as girls’ education continues to be a challenge in the DRCongo. New uniforms were given to … Continue reading →
1 Kikimi School In June, our 6th graders will be taking their final exam to complete their Primary School Education. This year, the exam will last for two days instead of one, and will include an oral exam to check … Continue reading →
1 Education 1.1 Preparing for Final Exam: Our class of 6th graders is actively preparing for their final exam, which holds value here in Congo, and all the students registered this month at the Educational District. 1.2 Library: We … Continue reading →
Kinshasa suffered severe social unrest and violence in the month of January that took the life of several civilians, and resulted in the main university being closed down and internet/sms communications being shot down until recently. Communication are now slowly … Continue reading →
We spent the month preparing for the three day retreat/seminar which will start in a few days for our young people, so will keep this post sweet and short, and tell you all about it next month. Back to school … Continue reading →
Our Kikimi school on the map: As we already mentioned last month, all the kids from the 6th grade succeeded on their final exam, three of them being the orphans we have cared for since they were little. Here are … Continue reading →
Celebration for End of School Year in Kikimi: We were very encouraged to hear that all 20 students who took the test to mark the completion of their primary school education passed with flying colors! That success put our school … Continue reading →
Kikimi News: Having electricity now set up in Kikimi is a major victory and opening new doors to further educate the kids and the villagers in a fun way! The Lord supplied a projector for the school, so we’re now … Continue reading →
“In Africa, they dig for diamonds. Tons of earth are moved to find a little pebble not as large as a little fingernail. The miners are looking for the diamonds, not the dirt. They are willing to lift all the … Continue reading →