November 2020
A big thank you to the Rizwan Adatya Foundation for their yearly donation of notebooks and pens.
Now that the covid crisis is over in Kinshasa, the children no longer need to wear masks in school. It is heart-warming to see their enthusiasm when they come to school in the morning:

These 8th grade students want to become teachers. They have chosen pedagogy as a major and will be able to assist the primary school teachers as part of their training.
An increasing number of mommies attend Florence’s post-natal classes.
Distribution of baby diapers
Some of the babies born this month.
3 Goods Distribution
We would like to thank you, our dear friends, for your continued giving of food and sanitary products, including clothing, toys and even a television this month. We know how difficult things have been for you economically lately because of the covid crisis. Your sacrifices really touch our hearts and are making it possible for the vulnerable children we care for to have their needs met. Thank you !
4 Youth Ministry
Fabrice continues to teach Sunday School using the STEPS Program. This month’s theme was Friendship. He’s even thinking about starting a small singing choir with them.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverb 22:6)
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