Time for year-end exams — May 2023
1 Education
For the first time, a first class of students have completed their secondary education and are taking their final exam that will earn them a High School Diploma. We are so proud of them and of their teachers, who generously donated their time to bring them this far.
Kapinga is taking her final exam with a tailoring option. She received a top grade for that subject. Congratulations Kapinga!
Previously some inspectors tested the knowledge of the teachers to ensure their competence.
We also received the visit of a primary school inspector who taught our 3rd graders a lesson on keeping the school grounds free of weeds. This turned into a fun outdoor activity for them.
2 Goods Distribution
We are ever so thankful for the monthly donations of food items which keep the children healthy and therefore able to study better. Many of them do not eat sufficiently at home, so being able to give them extra food makes a huge difference in their lives.
3 Health
This second grader was cured of malaria in our clinic.
4 Youth Ministry
Congratulations to Aristote who organized an outreach in the main university clinic. First he collected food items which his team of volunteers packaged for distribution to the patients, then they visited 347 hospitalized people and prayed for their healing. 12 of them got healed immediately, and they gave a tract to the other patients to encourage their faith.
Aristote shares the following:
“We prayed for 2 people who were in a coma. Later they called us to tell us the wonderful news that they had come out of the coma and had been moved to intensive care. They asked us to continue to pray for their full healing.
Djone was suffering from sharp pain in his chest, which moved down to his lower abdomen. When we came to his bedside, he was crying like a baby because of the pain. I asked him if he believed that Jesus-Christ could take away his pain, and he said ‘yes’. So we laid hands on him and asked for the Lord’s mercy upon him, to heal him and take away the pain. Within two minutes all the pain was gone and he prayed with us to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior. We believe the Lord will do the rest.
Another patient, named Florent, could not move his head at all. A cancerous growth on his nose had made all his teeth fall off on the right side of his jaw and had paralyzed his neck. He asked us to pray for him, and immediately his neck got unblocked and he was able to move his head as if nothing had ever happened. He asked me to keep praying for him, for the Lord to also heal him of his cancer. “
5 Children Ministry
In his part of town, Jacques continues to faithfully teach his group of children every Sunday. The parents are so impressed with the results they see in their kids that they asked him if he could also start a group for teenagers.
6 Agriculture

A banana tree growing in our orchard
7 Just for fun…
A little glimpse of the life in Congo, how people carry the goods they want to resell:
Time for year-end exams — May 2023 — No Comments
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