Year-End Review 2018 — December 2018
Thanks to your commitment and generosity, 2018 has been an amazing year, which has seen our major goals for sustainable development being fulfilled, meeting those of the World Family Organization, such as minimizing poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, and in particular offering clean water and sanitation.
- Distribution of staple foods (milk, rice, tomato puree, salt), household, sanitary products and occasional toys to underprivileged children and mothers.
- Distribution of snacks to all the students
- Hot meals served to the orphaned children
- Distribution of baby clothes, milk and basic food items to needy mothers who deliver their babies in our clinic.
Goal #2 & 3: Quality Education & Gender Equality
- Schooling of 273 students, 225 in Primary school and 48 in Middle School, including 135 boys and 138 girls.
- 100% success at the final State examination for Primary School Students and the laureate for the district was Fatu, a little orphaned girl from Kikimi. (See her story here)
- Distribution of note books, pens and school books
- Distribution of the Character Building and Foundation of Faith STEPS Program DVDs to teachers and educators
Training and seminar for Sunday School teachers from the Scripture Union in Kinshasa and distribution of The STEPS Program DVDs
Vocational Training
- Free vocational training in tailoring to underprivileged girls and women.
- Graduation of 3 of the students.
University Scholarships
- Scholarships for Jacques (agricultural engineering) now preparing his thesis at the University of Kinshasa, and Ana (2nd year in medical school).
Goal #4: Good Health and Well-Being
- Medical care of orphaned and underprivileged children in Kikimi
- Pre and post-natal care, including the delivery of 15 babies, all healthy.
- Set up of surgery room and patients’ ward.
- Distribution of medical equipment.
Sustainable Development: Goals #5 & 6–Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable & Clean Energy, and Other Improvements
- Drilling of a bore well, equipped with a solar pump, 10m3 water tanks on the 6m high tower and two water fountains (one for the school and medical center, and one for the village). Click here for full report.
- Tiling of secondary school, tailoring classroom and medical center 2nd story.
- Screening windows of the medical center.
- Building of an incinerator for trash.
- Tiling of the secondary classrooms
Goal #7: Zero Poverty—Incubating micro-enterprises
- Manufacture of school uniforms, doctors’ outfits, bed sheets and fashion accessories by the women in our Tailoring Training Program
- Our only male student (handicapped) who graduated this year received a sewing machine to enable him to start his own tailoring business.
Our handicapped laureate receives a sewing machine from Mohammed and Katherine to start his own tailoring business
8 Youth Ministry
- Weekly Bible study groups in different areas of Kinshasa.
- Graduation ceremony for students who completed the Bible course
- Monthly fellowships and seminars for the youth.
- Three-day retreat/seminar for youth leaders and Bible teachers.
9 Thanks
A big thank you to Mafricom (Mr. Mahesh and Mr. Dasa), SOKIN (Mr. Kaddoura and Mr. Noor), CONGO FOODS (Mr. Abdul), MARSAVCO, Ali and Sameera, RAWJI Foundation, SOFIA SPRL, the French School of Kinshasa, SONAS, Rahim and Amina, Farah Rawji, Firoz and Inshiya, Isaac, Mr. Manji, Mr. Suhail Patel, Rathi Mukund, Neema Shukla, Marouni and Katherine, the Toth Family and the Paschke Family, Marie-Thérèse, Yvan, Renate, Steven Leuthold Family Foundation, FCF, and those who preferred to remain anonymous. You made all these accomplishments possible through your gifts and prayers. It has been a team effort, and we are honored to be working side by side to make this part of the world a little better place. May God richly bless you !
“Thank you” is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. “Thank you” expresses extreme gratitude, humility, and understanding. — Alice Walker
Give me Father, a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e’er the strife,
Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
C.T. Studd
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