July 2020
1 Education Our school has, once again, been chosen as an exam center for the 6th graders of the area. The children are now preparing for this exam, the date of which is yet to be set by the … Continue reading →
1 Education Our school has, once again, been chosen as an exam center for the 6th graders of the area. The children are now preparing for this exam, the date of which is yet to be set by the … Continue reading →
1 Education In the beginning of the month, we were able to re-open one class for our 6th graders, so they could prepare for their state exam and not lose their whole year. For these children, it is vital … Continue reading →
1 Update on Covid 19 in Kinshasa The number of cases has officially risen to 1900 + with 63 deaths so far in the last 3 months, which, although sad for the victims and their loved ones, is not … Continue reading →
We had a very fruitful mission trip in March/April, including a meeting with our Congolese partners, a good visit to Kikimi and a seminar with the young people. Theo and Florence are doing such a wonderful job with the general … Continue reading →
1 Pre and Postnatal Care New babies are born each month in our maternity. Florence conducts classes for expecting mothers who receive regular check-ups. Mothers bring their babies for post-natal care and basic mandatory vaccination. … Continue reading →
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can And wisdom to know the difference. 1 Distribution of goods and Christmas celebration Hot meals were served to the … Continue reading →
At the closing of another year, we can only praise God for all He accomplished, overcoming all the obstacles that came our way. Thanks to your generosity and your big heart, thanks also to our dedicated and sacrificial Congolese partners … Continue reading →
Dear friends, We hope you will enjoy this month’s update. In spite of the heavy rains which destroyed many homes in Kinshasa and slowed down the progress on the construction, your faithful donations and our partners’ love, faith and dedication … Continue reading →
Chers amis, Nous espérons que vous aimerez les nouvelles de ce mois-ci. Malgré les fortes pluies qui ont détruit de nombreuses maisons à Kinshasa et ralenti les progrès de la construction, la fidélité de vos dons ainsi que l’amour, la … Continue reading →
Dear friends, A picture being worth a thousand words, we will let them speak for themselves. God bless Theo and Olivier for being so faithful to document all that’s happening. Thank you so much for your prayers and support which … Continue reading →